Develop in prod
FearlesslySparlke emoji

Develop with production data, services,
or traffic without the risk.

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Dev on prod

Kardinal injects production data and service dependencies into your dev and test workflows safely and securely.

Diagram linesDiagram lines

How it works

Learn about our isolation layer

Kardinal uses traffic flow controls and a data isolation layer to protect production while you're developing:


Production at a glance

Imagine you're on the voting-app team. Your prod environment looks like this.


Spin up a dev flow

Create an isolated dev flow with just one command.


Develop with confidence

Safely test new features on production. Writes are isolated to your own session.

Diagram lines

Easy to install, easy to uninstall

Kardinal uses a sidecar - control plane architecture. Just drop sidecars next to your services in your environment and configure your traffic flows in the control plane.

Architecture diagram
Architecture diagram

Develop in prod
FearlesslySparlke emoji

Develop with production data, services,
or traffic without the risk.